Do you have a question, complaint, or comment? Please use this form to contact the Office of Housing and Community Development.
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
I have a . . .
I have a . . .
Please tell us what type of feedback you have for Develop Louisville.


Examples of Service

Advanced Planning & Sustainability Neighborhood and transportation planning, arts, energy efficiencies
Brightside Beautification, cleanups, tree planting
Office of Compliance Federal program compliance for affordable housing
Office of Housing and Community Development Vacant properties, home repair, down payment assistance, affordable housing
Planning and Design Services BOZA, zoning, Planning Commission, land use
My question/complaint/comment is for . . .
My question/complaint/comment is for . . .
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
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Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code